We need your help. PREPARE FOR AN ECONOMIC CRISIS. Please talk with your local Food Not Bombs volunteers and consider organizing daily meals and try to reach out to your community. We are encouraging all Food Not Bombs groups collect additional bulk food and start local Food Not Lawns Gardens. It is also possible for your chapter to get a delivery of $500 worth of bulk rice, beans and other dry goods by calling the Taos Food Not Bombs collective at 575-776-330. If Possible please join the Tent City Protest in Washingtion DC.
In the past few months it has become clear that we face world changing crisis droughts, climate change, food speculation, high cost genetically modified crops, and rising oil prices have caused world food prices to jump 70 percent. At the same time urgent reports of a possible U.S. attack on Iran could drive up the cost of oil and food even higher, forcing many millions of additional people to go hungry.
" The Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the world's most prestigious financial body, has warned that years of loose monetary policy has fuelled a dangerous credit bubble, leaving the global economy more vulnerable to another 1930s-style slump than generally understood." The BIS warns of Great Depression deeper and more painful than that of 1930s. This could be the most urgent crisis in human history. When Katrina hit the American Red Cross and FEMA failed to provide help and the survivors had to rely on Food Not Bombs. Americans will need to turn to us again as the global economy fails. Daily meals, gardening and more advanced efforts at community organizing will be needed. The public will be turning to us for help. Please start to prepare now. We can help you start a Food Not Lawns community garden and a Food Not Bombs group.
As the crisis grows our office is getting an increase in calls and emails asking Food Not Bombs for support as the economy fails. Food riots are growing in a number of countries and many community leaders are contacting Food Not Bombs requesting help in organizing kitchens, gardens and food distribution programs. When the American Red Cross and FEMA failed to respond to Katrina Americans called our office seeking help. Again Americans are looking to Food Not Bombs to provide logistical guidence as society slides into chaos.
Please start a Food Not Bombs group in your community. We will provide you support. The use of the process of Formal Consensus, our dedicated to nonviolence and our focus on recovering food to make into vegan meals that are shared for free has been effective at responding to past crisis including Katrina, the earthquakes in California and the political meltdown in the Ukraine.
We are supporting the creation of local "Food Not Lawn " groups with the idea that the more food we grow the more we can feed our communities. The founders of Food Not Bombs made sure they did not become public personalities knowing that the movement would remain strong and more effective if it was organized locally. When Katrina hit the Gulf Coast the decentralized autonomous structure of Food Not Bombs made it possible for us to become the primary movement providing food to the survivors. Because of our reputation it is very possible that the public will turn to Food Not Bombs for solutions to the current "Really Really Great Depression".
The global economy is crashing displacing tens of thousands or even millions of people. In April food prices jumped over 70 percent. Exxon Moble takes the largest profits in world history.
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