Thursday, July 31, 2008
Shystie - Diamond In The Dirt
At last, we get to grime and UK hip-hop....
1 Intro Skit
2 One Wish
3 Gutter
4 Step Bac
5 Woman's World (Gurlz Stand Up)
6 Questions (Game show)
7 Make It Easy
8 Unfinished Bizzness
9 Bank Robbery feat Ron,e Redeyez
10 get loose
11 Can't Play
12 Somedayz Skit
13 Somedayz
14 Armshouse
15 Juiced
The Beatnuts - Musical Massacre
Psycho Les! Ju Ju!
1. Intro
2. Beatnuts Forever - Featuring Triple Seis/Marlon "Perro" Manson
3. Muchachacha - Featuring Willie Stubz/Swinger
4. I Love It
5. Slam Pit - Featuring Cuban Link/Common
6. Wild, Wild, What! - Interlude
7. Look Around - Featuring Dead Prez/Cheryl Pepsi Riley
8. Cocotaso
9. Monster For Music
10. Spelling Beatnuts With Lil' Donny
11. Puffin' On A Cloud
12. Turn It Out - Featuring Greg Nice
13. Rated R - Featuring Nogodus
14. Who You're Fuckin' Wit - Interlude
15. Story 2000 - Featuring Patrick Blazy
16. Watch Out Now
17. You're A Clown - Featuring Biz Markie/Tyler Fernandez
18. Buddah In The Air - Featuring Carl Thomas/Gob Goblin
19. Se Acabo (It's Over) - Featuring Magic Juan/Swinger
Postville Rally/March
So I guess there was around 2,000 people at the rally. People came from Madison, Chicago, and Minnesota, among other places. People from the Jewish Council On Urban Affairs, Socialist Worker's Party, SEIU, Socialist Party and numerous other groups were there. More than anything though, there were people wearing FMLN shirts ( . We started in a church, where there was a service in english, spanish and hebrew, then moved into the streets and marched around the town. What seemed like hundreds of little children were banging drums, waving Mexican and Guatemalan flags and singing and yelling in spanish. There were statements read in front of Agriprocessors and we went past the fuckwad counterprotesters, who were waving signs like "What Would Jesus Do? Obey The Law!" C'mon now. The piggies seemed pretty sympathetic to the Minutemen-types and very worried about us, even though we weren't the ones looking all hostile and angry like the jingoistic morons across the streets. There was a short argument between some of us and the police over dispersal orders, which was diffused quickly. Overall, the best march I've been to. People were in good spirits and seeing groups of Latino kids taunting the Minutemen types was worth the trip alone.
Some Pix:
Unconventional Denver Offers to Call Off All DNC Protests
Before the steps of City Hall, anarchists with Unconventional Denver made an uncanny move, offering to call off all protests if the City of Denver granted one simple request- take the $50 million security budget intended to brutalize and repress free speech and instead invest it in the local communities of Denver.
7.28.08: Complete Text of Unconventional Denver Statement
Unconventional Denver, an anarchist and anti-authoritarian group organizing direct action to confront the Democratic National Convention this August, is here today on the steps of the City and County Building to make an offer. We are here to make clear our vision of a world where the needs of people and the earth guide our decisions and where democracy is direct and face to face. The heavily policed, corporate funded political spectacle coming to Denver at the end of August is yet another jarring example of how the government and its wealthy backers’ priorities are exactly the opposite.
We are here however, to give the City of Denver, Federal Government, and the DNC a chance to prove us wrong.
In a few minutes, the City Council of Denver will be meeting in the building behind us to discuss an emergency ordinance aimed at restricting what demonstrators can carry during the DNC and beyond. The peddlers of these enhanced police powers continue to insist that people looking to exercise free speech and stand up against a corrupt system will allegedly be carrying disgusting weapons such as “super soakers filled with urine.”
Anyone who takes a close look at the recent history of mass street protests in this country knows that there is no record of this ever happening. In fact, if you were to look back on protests, including those in Denver itself, you would not see images of fecal covered protesters terrorizing the public. What you would see instead are police forces again and again acting above their own laws. Police minimize and marginalize free speech through protest pens, unnecessary force and unjustified arrests, and through ridiculous, unnecessary ordinances such as the one before council today. Major court cases have come from New York, Seattle, Miami, Washington D.C. and other cities where the courts have found that the police intentionally brutalize protesters to silence their dissent and have been forced to pay out millions in damages and compensation to protesters they have systematically targeted. This exemplifes that the violence and lawlessness was not coming from protesters, but in fact the government itself.
And so in a way, local government officials and the corporate media are right about the coming violence that will descend on Denver. It is true that there is a group mobilizing forces from across the country and amassing exotic weapons they refuse to disclose to the public. They have a track record of inflicting violence on unarmed civilians and illegally spying on citizens working towards positive change. They even dress in black- they are the Denver Police and the various local, state and federal forces that will be transforming Denver into a miniature version of the occupation of Iraq when the DNC comes to town.
This invasion has been given one of the largest single allotments of any department in Denver history. The DNC comes to Denver with a $50 million dollars security budget — money that was tacked on to funding for the War in Iraq and approved by the Democrats. And like the war abroad, the militarization of Denver comes at an equally high cost. Imagine the Denver Public Schools receiving $50 million dollars for a week-long event. That money alone would be enough to re-open six of the schools closed last year. Or what if that money were invested in the healthcare program? It would provide 18,986 uninsured children with a year’s worth of healthcare they deserve. This would be a small but important step towards taking care of the more than 160,000 children in the Denver area without healthcare coverage. And yet, as anarchists, we know that this will never happen. Addressing the real needs of the people is not in the interest of the government or its wealthy backers.
There will be no democracy within the DNC. There will be no one sincerely addressing the grave problems the average person in the United States faces on a daily basis. There will only be a scripted political performance guarded by walls of heavily armed riot police as party insiders and corporate lobbyists live it up behind closed doors.
We, Unconventional Denver, have a different vision of what democracy is. We see democracy as direct; where decisions are made by those most affected, not those with the most money; where democracy penetrates every aspect of our lives; where the workers rather than CEOs decide how their workplace should look; where instead of incarcerating more people than any other country, we meet the needs of our children and raise them in loving communities. We seek a world where the land is seen for what it is, the source of life, not a piece of property to be exploited for profit. The government will never bring these visions to fruition; in fact it stands in the way of it. It will take us as people, organizing on a grassroots level to make the change we wish to see.
This is why we are taking to the streets. Enough is enough. This government does not care about meeting people’s needs. AT&T, Lockheed Martin, Coca Cola- Obama will serve the same big money that all politicians end up serving. As anarchists working towards dismantling this corrupt political system of violence and corporate greed, we are not going to allow this spectacle to go uninterrupted-
unless the City of Denver, the Federal Government and the Democratic Party can prove us wrong.
We have watched Obama ride a wave of political momentum based on a vague rhetoric of hope and change all the way here to Denver. We however, are demanding that real change be implemented immediately. If the Democrats want to show they are sincere and are going to depart from the sad state of politics in this country then they should start immediately…. and use the convention as an example.
So we come here today with this offer:
If the Democrats and their allies in the city government of Denver can show their good faith … can show they are immediately working for real positive change by using their 50 million dollar federal grant for something better than crushing democracy then we will change our plans. If they are willing to do this, then Unconventional Denver and hundreds of anarchists coming to town will sit this one out. We Anarchists are willing to call off all of our protests, if the democrats are willing to call off their occupation of Denver and re-invest their police budget toward real community security.
New elementary schools; healthcare for the uninsured; providing clean, renewable energy to the city- 50 million dollars could do all of this. If this money is used to concretely demonstrate that meeting people’s needs will be the top priority of the Democratic Party and the City of Denver instead of protecting the robber barons of today, we will spend the last week of August with our friends and family continuing our work of furthering our communities instead of direct action confronting the Democratic National Convention.
Otherwise…. we’ll see you in the streets.
Crash The Convention-2008 Call To Action
On September 1-4 of 2008, the Republican Party is coming to Minnesota to celebrate their latest conquests in global domination and exploitation. We of the RNC Welcoming Committee want to make sure that this time the fear-mongers will be met with their own biggest fear: people mobilized, organized, and taking the future back into their own hands.
For those of you who abhor the rapid growth of racist militarized borders across stolen lands, the raids and deportations, destruction and commodification of our shared and living earth, police brutality and prison industry, fear propaganda and subjugation, exploitation and robbery of peoples worldwide, and all forms of injustice and oppression - we ask you to be prepared for 2008. This will require new alliances, strong networks, the awakening of those who’ve given up, as well as the mobilization of those who’ve never before taken action. Let’s use this opportunity to make the changes we thirst for manifest and take root before us, making the Republicans/Democrats (whatever you want to call them) obsolete.
Labor Day weekend of 2007, anarchists and anti-authoritarians from across the country gathered in the Twin Cities to develop goals and plans for the RNC 2008. This is what we’ve come up with:
What we want (the goals):
1. Build Our Capacity – A new reality will not emerge by simply stopping the 4 day spectacle of the RNC. We need folks with an alternative vision to come to the Twin Cities and turn their dreams into reality. Start something new, be creative, and come ready to build sustainable alternatives worth fighting for and defending. The new skills that we teach, learn, and put into practice here will allow us to return to our communities stronger, smarter, and more empowered.
2. Crash the Convention – We didn’t get an invitation, but we’re showing up anyway. This party will be what we make of it. We don’t want to confine our potential by imposing a single vision of what success will look like. We recognize that there will be a lot of people coming with their own agendas and carefully laid plans and want to be open to the diverse tactics that will be necessary to accomplish our many goals. Together, we can derail the purely ceremonial show of this repressive system and remake it with our own hands and according to our own visions.
How we get there (the strategy):
1. Start Strong – Throw all of our energy into the first day. We’ll kick this off right and stretch the militarized police state out so far that it can no longer contain and suppress our voices and desires.
2. Transportation Troubles – This includes blockades downtown (at key intersections), on bridges (10 bridges over the Mississippi River in the metro area), and other sporadic and strategic targets (busses, hotel and airport shuttles etc).
3. Respect, defend, and be prepared for autonomous self-sustaining alternatives – Lasting projects and spaces will be born out of our actions and will need to be protected. We also won’t knowingly bring the hammer down on existing long-term community projects. It doesn’t matter if we win the RNC battle, if the war for our lives is lost.
4. Be inclusive of local communities and respect alliances – We are all on the same side of the barricades and are trying to build lasting bonds for future mutual aid. We may not agree with each other on all of our tactics, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t venues for us to work together and build on the trust and community that already exists.
What the Welcoming Committee is doing:
1. Logistical support – We will organize legal support, housing, food, transportation, and a convergence space as well as anything else you may need to make our collective actions successful.
2. Framework coordinating – We will map out key points and layouts and gather intelligence to help you plug into the bigger picture. Let us know your needs, desires, and capacities.
3. Local outreach – We are building alliances with local groups and communities to help build our collective support. We encourage you to do the same.
4. Networking – We’re hooking y’all up with each-other so that you can work with people you might not already know, strategize, and share a glass of some good old mutual aid.
What we are calling for:
1. Get it together – Have regional consultas, organize in your communities, and form your affinity groups. We are expecting people to come with concrete plans for action that they have devised and the capacity to carry them through.
2. Lead up actions – Practice makes perfect. Use this entire year leading up to the RNC to develop and practice your own tactics and strategies that step things up a notch and build true alternatives. Resistance doesn’t start and end at ‘the next big protest’; it is a way of life.
3. Fundraising – We’re not saying to let your community projects flounder, but we’re going to need some serious cash to help arrange legal support (we’re still looking for a lawyer dumpster), a convergence space, and a thousand other logistical puzzles. Pass the hat at every regional consulta and meeting you attend, hold fundraisers, and send a chunk of it in our direction!
4. Communicate – Maintain strong security-culture values, but let us know your capacities and what you will need. If you want a single point person to communicate with, we can arrange it. What you say you can do and will need shapes the course that we take.
5. Come to the Twin Cities – Come early and come often! Take advantage of that “Minnesota Nice” and come long before the convention to help make things happen. Also, put May Day weekend (May 1st - 4th 2008) on your calendars to send a representative or two from your group to the Twin Cities for our next networking and strategizing event (more info TBA).
September 1st, 2008, we, the RNC Welcoming Committee, invite all anarchists and anti-authoritarians, all radicals and rabble-rousers, all those who are fed up with government lies and spectacles to show up ready for action and ensure that we leave no place for these expired politicians. What we create here will send the convention crashing off course into insignificance.
From the occupied territories of Minnesota,
The RNC Welcoming Committee
Strategy endorsed by:
ACTIVATE (Grand Rapids, MI Students for a Democratic Society - SDS)
Anarchist Black Cross Para-Legal Services (
Animas SDS (Colorado)
Anti-Authoritarians Anonymous (Milwaukee)
Asheville Rising Tide
Athens, OH SDS
Attentat Collective
Bash Back!
Brainerd Anarchists (
Campus Anti-war Network
Chicago Anarchist Black Cross (PO Box 1544, Chicago, IL 60690)
CrimethInc. Far East
Delaware SDS
End to Apathy
Frederick Progressive Action Coalition
HammerHard MediaWorks
Industrial Workers of the World - NYC GMB Branch
International Solidarity Movement - Chicago Chapter
Iowa Organizing Against the RNC
Milwaukee Anarchist Black Cross
Milwaukee Anti-Racist Action
NC State SDS
Northeast Anarchist Network
Northwest Indiana Anarchist Black Cross (PO Box 1511, Portage, IN 46368)
People’s Networking Convention Organizing Committee
Potomac Earth First!
Queer Action Network
Rising Tide North America
RNC Welcoming Committee
Rolling Thunder magazine
Sabot Infosquat
Shepherdstown Progressive Action Committee
Tacoma SDS - UPS Chapter
Talking Tree Infoshop
Tuscarora High SDS
UA Central NC
UA in the Bay
Unconventional Denver
Crass-Penis Envy
Godawful musicians. Top notch lyrics. Download or die.
# "Bata Motel"
# "Systematic Death"
# "Poison In A Pretty Pill"
# "What The Fuck?"
# "Where Next Columbus?"
# "Berkertex Bribe"
# "Smother Love"
# "Health Surface"
# "Dry Weather"
# "Our Wedding"
Funkadelic-Music For Your Mother
Do I really have to say anything about the almighty Funkadelic?
Disc One
1. "Music For My Mother" (Clinton, Nelson, Hazel)
* alternate version of track from the album Funkadelic
2. "Music For My Mother [Instrumental]" (Clinton, Nelson, Hazel)
3. "Can't Shake It Loose" (Clinton, Barnes, McCoy, Jackson)
4. "As Good As I Can Feel" (songwriters unknown)
5. "I'll Bet You" (Clinton, Barnes, Lindsey)
* alternate version of track from the album Funkadelic
6. "Qualify And Satisfy" (Clinton, Hazel, Nelson)
* single edit of track from the album Funkadelic
7. "Open Our Eyes" (Lumkins)
8. "I Got A Thing, You Got A Thing, Everybody Got A Thing" (Haskins)
* single edit of track from the album Funkadelic
9. "Fish, Chips And Sweat" (Clinton, Nelson, Hazel)
10. "I Wanna Know If It's Good To You" (Clinton, Nelson, Hazel, Haskins)
* first part of track from the album Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow
11. "I Wanna Know If It's Good To You [Instrumental]" (Clinton, Nelson, Hazel, Haskins)
* second part of track from the album Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow
12. "You And Your Folks, Me And My Folks" (Clinton, Worrell, Jones)
* extended version of track from the album Maggot Brain
13. "Funky Dollar Bill" (Clinton, Hazel, Davis)
* alternate mix of track from the album Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow
14. "Can You Get To That" (Clinton, Harris)
* from the album Maggot Brain
15. "Back In Our Minds" (Haskins)
* from the album Maggot Brain
16. "I Miss My Baby" (Haskins)
Disc Two
1. "Baby I Owe You Something Good" (Clinton)
* later re-recorded for the album Let's Take It to the Stage
2. "Hit It And Quit It" (Clinton, Nelson)
* single edit of track from the album Maggot Brain
3. "A Whole Lot Of BS" (Clinton, Worrell)
4. "Loose Booty" (Clinton, Beane)
* single edit of track from the album America Eats Its Young
5. "A Joyful Process" (Clinton, Worrell)
* single edit of track from the album America Eats Its Young
6. "Cosmic Slop" (Clinton, Worrell)
* single edit of track from the album Cosmic Slop
7. "If You Don't Like The Effects, Don't Produce The Cause" (Clinton, Shider)
* single edit of track from the album America Eats Its Young
8. "Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On" (Clinton, Cook)
* single edit of track from the album Standing on the Verge of Getting It On
9. "Jimmy's Got A Little Bit Of Bitch In Him" (Clinton, Cook)
* from the album Standing on the Verge of Getting It On
10. "Red Hot Mamma" (Clinton, Hazel, Worrell)
* single edit of track from the album Standing on the Verge of Getting It On
11. "Vital Juices" (Clinton)
12. "Better By The Pound" (Clinton, Cook)
* from the album Let's Take It to the Stage
13. "Stuffs And Things" (Clinton, Cook)
* from the album Let's Take It to the Stage
14. "Let's Take It To The Stage" (Clinton, Collins, Shider)
* single edit of track from the album Let's Take It to the Stage
15. "Biological Speculation" (Clinton, Harris)
* from the album America Eats Its Young
16. "Undisco Kidd" (Clinton, Collins, Worrell)
* single edit of track from the album Tales of Kidd Funkadelic
17. "How Do Yeaw View You" (Clinton, Collins, Worrell)
* from the album Tales of Kidd Funkadelic
Part 1
Part 2
Holy Roman Empire-The Lounge Duree
Somewhat of a guilty pleasure band for me....anyway, the vocals are GODDAMN! They from Chicago.
Sean Price-Jesus Price Supastar
Half of Heltah Skeltah and top 5 alive.
01. Intro (Jesus Price)
02. Like You
03. P-Body (Feat. Rock)
04. Cardiac (Feat. Buckshot, Rustee Juxx & Flood)
05. Stop
06. Violent
07. Da God (Feat. Sadat X & Buckshot)
08. Oops Upside Your Head (Feat. Steele)
09. Church (Feat. Rock & The Loudmouf Choir Church)
10. King Kong
11. One
12. You Already Know (Feat. Skyzoo)
13. Directors Cut
14. Let It Be Known (Feat. Phonte)
15. Hearing Aid (Feat. Chaundon)
16. Mess You Made (Feat. Block Mccloud Of Brooklyn Academy)
Ganked From:
Paris-Sonic Jihad
Political hip-hop from the Yay Area!
"Ave Bushani"
"Field Nigga Boogie"
"Sheep to the Slaughter "
"Spilt Milk" (featuring Capleton)
"Tear Shit up" (featuring Dead Prez)
"Freedom" (featuring Dead Prez)
"Ain't No Love" (featuring Kam)
"Lay Low"
"Life Goes On"
"You Know My Name"
"Agents of Repression"
"What Would You Do"
"How We Do"
"Freedom" (The Last Call Remix) (featuring Public Enemy and Dead Prez)
Ganked From:
Poison Idea-Feel The Darkness
Poison Idea was formed in 1980 by vocalist Jerry A. (aka Jerry Lang). The initial lineup consisted of Jerry A., Tom “Pig Champion” Roberts (guitar), Glen Estes (bass), and Dean Johnson (drums). Inspired by Black Flag and other early Southern California hardcore acts, they were further influenced by Discharge and Los Angeles’s the Germs. Germs singer Darby Crash was a strong influence on singer Jerry A.—vocally, lyrically, and philosophically—was monumental, and Poison Idea followed the Germs’ extremist punk ethic.
Ganked From:
J Dilla-Unreleased Beats
James Dewitt Yancey (February 7, 1974–February 10, 2006), better known as J Dilla or Jay Dee, was an American hip hop producer and emcee, who emerged from the mid-1990s underground hip-hop scene in Detroit, Michigan. He began his career as “Jay Dee” but used the name “J Dilla” from 2001 on. Many critics believe J Dilla’s work to have had a major influence on his peers, and he perhaps embodied the neo soul sound, playing a defining yet understated role during the sub-genre’s rise (roughly from the mid-90s to the early 2000s).
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
French Mourn Leisure Lost as 35-Hour Workweek Ends
Michel Guyot often takes a weekday off to go to the Sugiton limestone cliffs on the Mediterranean Sea in southern France to smell the thyme and listen to the cicadas. Those cherished moments may soon be history, he says.
The engineer for a Total SA venture at a port near Marseille says it's likely to be just a matter of months before his employer applies a law passed by France's parliament this week that may reduce time off for white-collar workers, or cadres, by as many as 17 days a year.
``It's a specter, a cloud over my head,'' said Guyot, 60. ``No more escapes to Sugiton to take a step back from work. This law will bring more stress, frustration and less productivity.''
Guyot, like other white-collar workers, is bracing for a dimming of their ``joie de vivre'' as President Nicolas Sarkozy pushes to keep a promise to ``restore the value of work.'' With the late night passage of the law on July 23, Sarkozy has rung the death knell of France's 35-hour workweek, undoing labor rules put in place a decade ago by the Socialist Party.
Under that system, blue-collar workers were limited to 35 hours a week on the job. Cadres received days off to compensate for working more than 35 hours a week, giving them total annual paid leave of about seven weeks, including vacation.
French employees' hours are the second-lowest in the Group of Seven industrialized countries, behind Germany, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. The French worked an average 1,561 hours in 2007, 291 fewer than in 1979. American workers put in 1,794 hours, down 31 hours.
Boosting Growth
The new law, which lets companies negotiate working hours, overtime and compensatory time directly with employees, is part of Sarkozy's effort to counter a slump in economic growth and may come into effect in early September.
Since taking office last year, Sarkozy has blamed the 35- hour workweek for weakening French competitiveness. He fired his first salvo last year, allowing blue-collar employees to work more than the cap, in exchange for 25 percent more pay for additional hours. Companies were exempt from labor taxes for these hours.
The new law dismantles the final piece of the rule, allowing cadres and their employers to swap days off for more pay. It raises the upper-limit of working days to 235 a year from 218, paying cadres 10 percent more than their standard salary for each day above 218.
The Socialist Party and minority centrist groups asked France's Constitutional Council today to rule on whether the law breaches the ``social foundations'' of the Republic, Jean-Marc Ayrault, the party's leader in the National Assembly, said in an e-mailed statement.
Paris Street Protest
Many cadres -- who make up just over 15 percent of the working population -- are infuriated with the new law.
``Sarkozy is always asking for more, more productivity, more hours,'' Bernard Van Craeynest, president of their CFE-CGC union said. ``But eventually he'll see more sick leave, less motivation, more burnouts.''
More than 300 cadres from companies including France Telecom SA and steelmaker ArcelorMittal took to the streets of Paris on July 23 with banners saying, ``There's life beyond work,'' and ``It's my private life, I care.''
``Working more for those who want to is a right,'' said Eric Pigal, 44, a manager at Accenture Ltd. in Paris and a CFE- CGC union representative. ``But paid 10 percent extra? That's not enough.''
Life Balance
The French have paid for their extra time off. Average annual wages in France grew just 3.4 percent from 1995 to 2006, slower than the 4.7 percent rise in the U.K. French economic growth has lagged behind the U.K.'s every year since 2000.
``Having more leisure time and no money to make it worth it is like lying to yourself,'' said Michel Sapranides, who owns Pelatis SA, a 40-person electrical maintenance business near Paris. Sapranides says the new law will help his business expand faster. Most of his employees have offered to work more to earn more, he said.
Not everybody is so optimistic.
``The 35-hour week brought us a balance between working hard and having time to enjoy the fruits of our labor,'' says Patrick Lecuyer, 47, who is based in Toulouse and organizes assembly lines for Airbus SAS.
Lecuyer uses his compensatory days off for adventures, such as climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania with friends in 2003.
``By breaking the system, companies may break white-collar employees' motivation,'' he said.
French white-collar workers earned an average of 3,855 euros ($6,045) a month after taxes in 2006, four times the minimum wage and twice the average private-sector income, according to the Paris-based Insee statistics institute.
Political Risk
Cadres were among the biggest Sarkozy supporters in the May 6, 2007, presidential election, with 52 percent voting for him, according to Paris-based pollster Ipsos. His approval rating among them dropped 23 points to 30 percent, it said this month.
``The 35-hour workweek was most favorable to the cadres because they had the money to enjoy their free time,'' said Jean-Francois Doridot, head of public opinion at Ipsos. ``There is a political risk in attempting to take it away.''
Guyot agrees.
``Sarkozy's desire is to awaken France and boost growth,'' he said. ``But for me, his plans sound more like a call for austerity than modernity.''
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Middle Class-Homeland
One of the first hardcore punk bands goes all dark post-punk on us.
hardcore punk,
Dillinger Four-Situationist Comedy
One of my (and apparently Avril's) favorite bands. Drunken, political, sarcastic, greAt!
1 Noble Stabbings!!
2 A Floater Left With Pleasure In The Executive Washroom
3 Fuzzy Pink Hand-Cuffs
4 The Father, The Son, And The Homosexual/Single Parent
5 Sell The House Sell The Car Sell The Kids Find Someone Else...
6 Folk SongClick to listen to this song
7 Fired-Side Chat
8 I Was Born On A Pirate Ship! (Hold Your Tongue)
9 D4=Putting The "F" Back In "Art"
10 All Rise For The Rational Anthem
11 Labour Issues In The Toy Department
12 File Under "Adult Urban Contemporary"
13 New Punk Fashions For The Spring Formal
The Jam-In The City
01 Art School (2:02)
02 I've Changed My Address (3:31)
03 Slow Down (2:39)
04 I Got By in Time (2:07)
05 Away from the Numbers (4:03)
06 Batman Theme (1:31)
07 In the City (2:19)
08 Sounds from the Street (3:14)
09 Non-Stop Dancing (2:28)
10 Time for Truth (3:10)
11 Takin' My Love (2:15)
12 Bricks and Mortar (2:37)
Ganked From: AND.......
Cockney Rejects-Oi Oi Oi!
The Cockney Rejects are an Oi! punk band which formed in the East End of London in 1979.
1.-Bad Man
2.- I’m Not A Fool
3.-East End
5.-West Side Boys
6.-War On The Terraces
7.-Oi! Oi! Oi!
8.-The Rocker
9.-We Are The Firm
10.-We Can Do Anything
11.-Are You Ready To Ruck
12.-Hate Of The City
13.-Where The Hell Is Babylon
14.-Flares ‘n Slippers
15.-Police Car
16.-I Wanna Be A Star
17.-Dead Generation
18.-Man’s Life In The Army
20.-Greatest Cockney Ripoff
Ganked From:
Stiff Little Fingers-Inflammable Material
Stiff Little Fingers are a punk band, originally based in Belfast, Northern Ireland, formed in 1977. They started out as a schoolboy band called Highway star, doing rock covers, until they discovered punk. They split up after six years, and four albums, although they subsequently reformed five years later, in 1987. Despite massive personnel changes, they are still touring and recording as of 2006.
1 - Suspect Device
2 - State of Emergency
3 - Here We Are Nowhere
4 - Wasted Life
5 - No More of That
6 - Barbed Wire Love
7 - White Noise
8 - Breakout
9 - Law and Order
10 - Rough Trade
11 - Johnny Was
12 - Alternative Ulster
13 - Closed Groove
Ganked From: YO!
4,000 US Combat Deaths, and Just a Handful of Images
Baghdad - The case of a freelance photographer in Iraq who was barred from covering the Marines after he posted photos on the Internet of several of them dead has underscored what some journalists say is a growing effort by the American military to control graphic images from the war. Zoriah Miller, the photographer who took images of marines killed in a June 26 suicide attack and posted them on his Web site, was subsequently forbidden to work in Marine Corps-controlled areas of the country. Maj. Gen. John Kelly, the Marine commander in Iraq, is now seeking to have Mr. Miller barred from all United States military facilities throughout the world. Mr. Miller has since left Iraq.
If the conflict in Vietnam was notable for open access given to journalists - too much, many critics said, as the war played out nightly in bloody newscasts - the Iraq war may mark an opposite extreme: after five years and more than 4,000 American combat deaths, searches and interviews turned up fewer than a half-dozen graphic photographs of dead American soldiers.
It is a complex issue, with competing claims often difficult to weigh in an age of instant communication around the globe via the Internet, in which such images can add to the immediate grief of families and the anger of comrades still in the field.
While the Bush administration faced criticism for overt political manipulation in not permitting photos of flag-draped coffins, the issue is more emotional on the battlefield: local military commanders worry about security in publishing images of the American dead as well as an affront to the dignity of fallen comrades. Most newspapers refuse to publish such pictures as a matter of policy.
But opponents of the war, civil liberties advocates and journalists argue that the public portrayal of the war is being sanitized and that Americans who choose to do so have the right to see - in whatever medium - the human cost of a war that polls consistently show is unpopular with Americans.
Journalists say it is now harder, or harder than in the earlier years, to accompany troops in Iraq on combat missions. Even memorial services for killed soldiers, once routinely open, are increasingly off limits. Detainees were widely photographed in the early years of the war, but the Department of Defense, citing prisoners' rights, has recently stopped that practice as well.
And while publishing photos of American dead is not barred under the "embed" rules in which journalists travel with military units, the Miller case underscores what is apparently one reality of the Iraq war: that doing so, even under the rules, can result in expulsion from covering the war with the military.
"It is absolutely censorship," Mr. Miller said. "I took pictures of something they didn't like, and they removed me. Deciding what I can and cannot document, I don't see a clearer definition of censorship."
The Marine Corps denied it was trying to place limits on the news media and said Mr. Miller broke embed regulations. Security is the issue, officials said.
"Specifically, Mr. Miller provided our enemy with an after-action report on the effectiveness of their attack and on the response procedures of U.S. and Iraqi forces," said Lt. Col. Chris Hughes, a Marine spokesman.
News organizations say that such restrictions are one factor in declining coverage of the war, along with the danger, the high cost to financially ailing media outlets and diminished interest among Americans in following the war. By a recent count, only half a dozen Western photographers were covering a war in which 150,000 American troops are engaged.
In Mr. Miller's case, a senior military official in Baghdad said that while his photographs were still under review, a preliminary assessment showed he had not violated ground rules established by the multinational force command. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation was ongoing, emphasized that Mr. Miller was still credentialed to work in Iraq, though several military officials acknowledged that no military unit would accept him.
Robert H. Reid, the Baghdad bureau chief for The Associated Press, said one major problem was a disconnection between the officials in Washington who created the embed program before the war and the soldiers who must accommodate journalists - and be responsible for their reports afterward.
"I don't think the uniformed military has really bought into the whole embed program," Mr. Reid said.
"During the invasion it got a lot of 'Whoopee, we're kicking their butts'-type of TV coverage," he said.
Now, he said the situation is nuanced and unpredictable. Generally, he said, the access reporters get "very much depends on the local commander." More specifically, he said, "They've always been freaky about bodies."
The facts of the Miller case are not in dispute, only their interpretation.
On the morning of June 26, Mr. Miller, 32, was embedded with Company E of the Second Battalion, Third Marine Regiment in Garma, in Anbar Province. The photographer declined a Marine request to attend a city council meeting, and instead accompanied a unit on foot patrol nearby.
When a suicide bomber detonated his vest inside the council meeting, killing 20 people, including 3 marines, Mr. Miller was one of the first to arrive. His photos show a scene of horror, with body parts littering the ground and heaps of eviscerated corpses. Mr. Miller was able to photograph for less than 10 minutes, he said, before being escorted from the scene.
Mr. Miller said he spent three days on a remote Marine base editing his photos, which he then showed to the Company E marines. When they said they could not identify the dead marines, he believed he was within embed rules, which forbid showing identifiable soldiers killed in action before their families have been notified. According to records Mr. Miller provided, he posted his photos on his Web site the night of June 30, three days after the families had been notified.
The next morning, high-ranking Marine public affairs officers demanded that Mr. Miller remove the photos. When he refused, his embed was terminated. Worry that marines might hurt him was high enough that guards were posted to protect him.
On July 3, Mr. Miller was given a letter signed by General Kelly barring him from Marine installations. The letter said that the journalist violated sections 14 (h) and (o) of the embed rules, which state that no information can be published without approval, including material about "any tactics, techniques and procedures witnessed during operations," or that "provides information on the effectiveness of enemy techniques."
"In disembedding Mr. Miller, the Marines are using a catch-all phrase which could be applied to just about anything a journalist does," said Joel Campagna, Middle East program coordinator for the Committee to Protect Journalists.
New embed rules were adopted in the spring of 2007 that required written permission from wounded soldiers before their image could be used, a near impossibility in the case of badly wounded soldiers, journalists say. While embed restrictions do permit photographs of dead soldiers to be published once family members have been notified, in practice, photographers say, the military has exacted retribution on the rare occasions that such images have appeared. In four out of five cases that The New York Times was able to document, the photographer was immediately kicked out of his or her embed following publication of such photos.
In the first of such incidents, Stefan Zaklin, formerly of the European Pressphoto Agency, was barred from working with an Army unit after he published a photo of a dead Army captain lying in a pool of blood in Falluja in 2004.
Two New York Times journalists were disembedded in January 2007 after the paper published a photo of a mortally wounded soldier. Though the soldier was shot through the head and died hours after the photo was taken, Lt. Gen. Raymond T. Odierno argued that The Times had broken embed rules by not getting written permission from the soldier.
Chris Hondros, of Getty Images, was with an army unit in Tal Afar on Jan. 18, 2005, when soldiers killed the parents of an unarmed Iraqi family. After his photos of their screaming blood-spattered daughter were published around the world, Mr. Hondros was kicked out of his embed (though Mr. Hondros points out that he soon found an embed with a unit in another city).
Increasingly, photographers say the military allows them to embed but keeps them away from combat. Franco Pagetti of the VII Photo Agency said he had been repeatedly thwarted by the military when he tried to get to the front lines.
In April 2008, Mr. Pagetti tried to cover heavy fighting in Baghdad's Sadr City. "The commander there refused to let me in," Mr. Pagetti said. "He said it was unsafe. I know it's unsafe, there's a war going on. It was unsafe when I got to Iraq in 2003, but the military did not stop us from working. Now, they are stopping us from working."
James Lee, a former marine who returned to Iraq as a photographer, was embedded with marines in the spring of 2008 as they headed into battle in the southern port city of Basra in support of Iraqi forces.
"We were within hours of Basra when they told me I had to go back. I was told that General Kelly did not want any Western eyes down there," he said, referring to the same Marine general who barred Mr. Miller.
Military officials stressed that the embed regulations provided only a framework. "There is leeway for commanders to make judgment calls, which is part of what commanders do," said Col. Steve Boylan, the public affairs officer for Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq. For many in the military, a legal or philosophical debate over press freedom misses the point. Capt. Esteban T. Vickers of the First Regimental Combat Team, who knew two of the marines killed at Garma, said photos of his dead comrades, displayed on the Internet for all to see, desecrated their memory and their sacrifice.
"Mr. Miller's complete lack of respect to these marines, their friends, and families is shameful," Captain Vickers said. "How do we explain to their children or families these disturbing pictures just days after it happened?"
Mr. Miller, who returned to the United States on July 9, expressed surprise that his images had ignited such an uproar.
"The fact that the images I took of the suicide bombing - which are just photographs of something that happens every day all across the country - the fact that these photos have been so incredibly shocking to people, says that whatever they are doing to limit this type of photo getting out, it is working," he said.
Michael Kamber reported from Baghdad, and Tim Arango from New York.
Calle 13- Residente o Visitante
Calle 13 is a Puerto Rican hip-hop duo formed by two brothers who call themselves Residente (lead singer, writer) and Visitante (pianist, vocals, writer). Their sister (Ileana, aka PG-13) has contributed to several of their songs. They named themselves Calle 13 after the area where they grew up in Trujillo Alto.
The duo rose to fame in 2005 with two back-to-back hits on Puerto Rican radio stations, first one being Se Vale To To and Atrevete-te-Te!. Another song, the controversial Querido FBI, that was not intended to be on their first release was written by the group’s lead singer after the death of Filiberto Ojeda RĆos (leader of Puerto Rican revolutionary group, Los Macheteros). The duo was criticized by those who believed the lyrics promoted violence against the authorities, but the group insisted the song wasn’t meant to be taken literally.
After their rise to fame, the duo was sought by other reggaeton artists, and they collaborated with artists such as Voltio in the song Chulin Culin Chunfly, and with the Three 6 Mafia in the remix, singing or co-writing songs. At the end of 2005, they released their first album, Calle 13, to much critical praise.
In December 2005, the Governor of Puerto Rico, Anibal Acevedo VilĆ”, admitted to listening to the duo when his son got him some of their songs on his iPod. This prompted him to invite them to La Fortaleza and to have them record a song against shootings bullets in the air during New Years Eve celebrations.
01 Intro
02 Tango Del Pecado
03 La Fokin Moda
04 Sin Exagerar
05 Mala suerte Con el 13
06 Llegale A Mi Guarida
07 Un Beso De Desayuno
08 Uiyi-guaye
09 Algo Con Sentido
10 Me Voy Pal Norte
11 Cumbia De Los Aburridos
12 A Limpiar El Sucio
13 El Avion Se Cae
14 La Crema
15 La Era De La Copiaera
King Tubby-Essential Dub
Legendary dub. Good music to chill to, smoke to or cruise to. It's also good when it's 110 degrees out...
1. Silver Bullet
2. Better Version
3. King Tubby's Conservation Dub
4. Psalms Of Dub
5. Rebel Dance
6. Sir Niney's Rock
7. Straight To The Boy Niney Head
8. Casanova Dub
9. Bongo Man Dub
10. Barbwire Disaster
11. Rougher Version
12. Natty Dread Girl
13. Natty Version
14. Don't Cut Off Your Dreadlocks
15. Poor Barber
16. Jehovah Version
17. Move Out Of Babylon
Husker Du-Land Speed Record
Fast, loud, sloppy, almost never stopping live record from one of the top 80's hardcore bands. My favorite HU album.
1) All Tensed Up
2) Don't Try To Call
3) I'm Not Interested
4) Guns At My School
5) Push The Button
6) Gilligan's Island
7) Don't Have A Life
8) Bricklayer
9) MTC
10) Tired Of Doing Things
11) You're Naive
12) Strange Week
13) Big Sky
14) Do The Bee
15) Ultracore
16) Let's Go Die
17) Data Control
Immortal Technique - The 3rd World
Besides the bullshit Truther/Conspiracy stuff, some good solid political hip-hop. The beats finally do dude some justice as well.
01. Death March
02. That's What It Is
03. Golpe De Estado (Feat. Temperamento y Veneno)
04. Harlem Renaissance
05. Lick Shot (Feat. Crooked I & Chino XL)
06. Apocrypha
07. The 3rd World
08. Hollywood Driveby (Feat. PsycoRealm & Sick Symphonies)
09. Reverse Pimpology (Feat. Mojo)
10. Open Your Eyes
11. Payback (Feat. Diabolic & Ras Kass)
12. Adios Uncle Tom (Skit)
13. Stronghold Grip (Feat. Poison Pen & Swave Sevah)
14. Mistakes
15. Parole (Evil Genius Mix)
16. Crimes Of The Heart (Feat. Maya Azucena)
Buckshot & 9th Wonder-The Formula
The second album from these two, and I think the far superior one. I don't know, on Chemistry, 9th's beats started to sound all the same...
01. Intro (Feat. The Formula Crew)
02. Ready (Brand New Day)
03. Be Cool (Feat. Swan)
04. Go All Out (Feat. Carlitta Durand)
05. No Future 2008
06. Hold It Down (Feat. Talib Kweli & Tyler Woods)
07. Whassup With U (Feat. Keisha Shontelle)
08. Only For You (Lou)
09. Just Display
10. Here We Go
11. Throwing Shade
12. Shinin' Y'All (Feat. Arafat Yates & Big Chops)
13. Man Listen
Masta Ace-A Long Hot Summer
01 02:03 The Count
02 03:02 Big City Produced By Dug Infinite
03 03:47 Good Ol Love Produced By 9th Wonder
04 00:39 Fats Belvedere
05 03:28 Da Grind Ft. Apocalypse Producuced By Khrysi
06 03:46 H.O.O.D. Produced By D.A.M.S.
07 00:54 The Stoop
08 04:24 Beautiful Produced By Koolade Croatia
09 03:35 F.A.Y. Ft Strick Produced By Dr Period
10 00:36 Fats Crib
11 04:13 Soda And Soap Ft. Jean Grae Produced By DJ Spinna
12 02:56 Do It Man Ft. Big Noyd Produced By Marco Polo
13 04:19 Brooklyn Masala Ft Leschea Produced By Xplicit
14 01:39 The Proposition
15 03:52 Travelocity Ft Punch And Words Produced By D.A.M.S.
16 03:28 The Ways Produced By DJ Serious
17 04:12 Wutuwanko Ft Ed O.G. Prouduced By Dug Infinite
18 01:08 The After Party
19 03:51 Oh My God Ft The Beatnuts And Rahzel Prod By Xplicit
20 01:17 Cellmate
21 03:51 Revelations Produced By Masta Ace
22 02:38 Out Takes (Bonus Track)
The Slits-Cut
1. Instant Hit (2:43)
2. So Tough (2:41)
3. Spend, Spend, Spend (3:18)
4. Shoplifting (1:39)
5. FM (3:35)
6. Newtown (3:48)
7. Ping Pong Affair (4:16)
8. Love Und Romance (2:27)
9. Typical Girls (3:57)
10. Adventures Close To Home (3:28)
11. I Heard It Through The Grapevine (3:59)
12. Liebe And Romanze (Slow Version) (4:44)
Friday, July 25, 2008
Chumbawamba - Anarchy
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Killer Mike-I Pledge Allegiance to the Grind II
mixture of hardcore street gospel, revolutionary spirit and positive vibes
01. Intro 02:31
02. 10 G’s 03:27
03. Can You Hear Me 03:24
04. 2 Sides (feat. Shawty Lo) 03:29
05. Pressure (feat Ice Cube) 05:33
06. Big Money, Big Cars (feat. Chamillionaire & Messy Marv) 05:02
07. God in The Building 04:25
08. Super Clean/Super Hard (feat. 8Ball & MJG) 05:40
09. Woke Up This Mornin’ 04:16
10. Bang! 03:48
11. Grandma’s House 05:15
12. If I Can’t Eat Right (feat. Gangsta Pill & Rochelle Fox) 05:24
13. I Gotcha 04:11
14. I’m The Shit!!! 04:24
15. Can You Buy That feat Rock D 03:48
16. You See It (feat. S.L. Jones) 04:18
17. Good-Bye (City Of Dope) 05:05
KMD-Black Bastards
The legendary forgotten classic!
KMD was a rap group from the early 90s. The members include: Zev Love X (a.k.a. MF DOOM, Viktor Vaughn & King Geedorah), Subroc (Zev Love X’s deceased brother), and Onyx The Birthstone Kid.
KMD released their first album Mr.Hood on Elektra in 1991. A nearly impossible to find release (although since has been re-issued in Oct. 2006), Mr. Hood preached power and positivity, with obscure samples from Sesame Street found throughout the album, and saw future Metal-Faced-Villain Zev Love X in a uniquely different light. Two years later Subroc would be killed in a car accident forcing the promising MC, Zev Love X into the underground where he would later emerge as the tortured soul MF DOOM. With Onyx having left the group, controversial artwork by Zev, and Subroc’s unfortunate death, the release of their second lp “Bl_ck B_st_rds” seemed improbable and was shelved by Elektra fearing negative media coverage due to the recent ‘Cop Killer’ song by Ice-T’s group Body Count. The cover art for the album had sparked worries in Elektra’s board room. After years of bootlegs, “Bl_ck B_st_rds” finally saw the light of day in 2001 on the Subverse record label.
1. Garbage Day #3
2. Get-U-Now
3. What A Nigga Know?
4. Sweet Premium Wine
5. Plumskinzz (Loose Hoe, God & Cupid)
6. Smokin' That S*@%!
7. Contact Blitt
8. Gimme!
9. Black Bastards!
10. It Sounded Like A Roc!
11. Plumskinzz (Oh No I Don't Believe It!)
12. Constipated Monkey
13. F*@# Wit' Ya Head!!
14. Suspended Animation
15. What A Nigga Know? Featuring MF Grimm (Remix)
16. Q3
Mika Miko-666 (EP)
Gang Of Four-Entertainment
One of the two good albums GOF came out with. Avoid everything after Solid Gold, they become new wave synth rock (vomits).
Ganked From: >>>
Salt Of the Earth
Salt of the Earth (1954) is an American drama film written by Michael Wilson, directed by Herbert J. Biberman, and produced by Paul Jarrico. All had been blacklisted by the Hollywood establishment due to their involvement in socialist politics.[1]
The movie became a historical phenomenon and has a cult following due to how the United States establishment (politicians, journalists, studio executives, and other trade unions) dealt with the film. Salt of the Earth is one of the first pictures to advance the feminist social and political point-of-view.
In 1950–1951, in the fictional village of Zinc Town, New Mexico, the drama tells the story of a long and difficult strike led by Mexican-American and Anglo miners against the Empire Zinc Company. The film shows how the miners (the union men and their wives), the company, and the police, react during the strike. In neorealist style the producers and director used actual miners and their families as actors in the film.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Anarchism is The Only Hope
Lessons from the Spanish Civil War. Anarchism is the only hope that the working class have to improve their life and stop the exploitation. We, the Anarchists, follow this Bakinin statement: "The power pervert the man!" During the Spanish Civil War I witnessed how well organized the Anarchist Unions (Sindicados) were in Catalunya and Aragon. It's not a myth anymore. I am in close contact with the Spanish "companeros" and I see how the working class is protected against the exploitation. We need to restore the workers pride and dignity, they should join us, the Anarchists, because the capitalists will never give them a chance to improve their lives; on the contrary, they use the cheaper workers overseas. We the Anarchists are the only hope of the proletariat and day by day we are growing and become important in our class struggle. George Sossenko is an 88-year old veteran of the Spanish Civil War. At the age of 16, he left his home in France to fight against Franco's fascists with the anarchists of the Durruti column. A dedicated, life-long anarchist, George is still an active organizer as he traveels and gives lectures on this important period in revolutionary history. Filmed at the New York City Anarchist Bookfair in May 2008 by David Buccola«
Prince Ali - I Miss 1994
Good, mid 90's style east coast hip-hop from Canada.
01 Incistroduction
02 Grew Up Feat. Louieville Sluggah
03 On Our Way
04 Material Posessions
05 Righteous Scrolls Feat Tragedy Khadafi
06 Beat Knock
07 Incisimission
08 Rap Author Feat. Craig G
09 Respect Feat Thieven (Sense I)
10 Movements Feat. Kev Brown
11 Rap Author Feat. Craig G (Remix)
12 Outro (Incise)
Ganked From: ThIs Blizog!
From Ashes Rise-Nightmares
01 Reaction
02 Hell In The Darkness
03 They
04 The Final Goodbye
05 On The Fray
06 Nightmares
07 Noise
08 The Inner Beast
09 Interlude
10 The Mandate
11 Bloodlust
12 In A Free Land
Ganked From: THIIS bLoG
Tragedy - Vengeance
Some people consider this "crust with training wheels" or "melodic d-beat", but fuck them.
01. Conflicting Ideas
02. Call To Arms
03. Vengeance
04. Recurring Nightmare
05. Beginning Of The End
06. The Lure
07. Night Falls
08. The Day After
09. War Within Us
10. Revengeance
11. To The Dogs
12. No Words
Ganked From: THIS BLOG
Monday, July 21, 2008
Starbucks Goes Union in Minnesota
Twin Cities, MN- Baristas at the Mall of America Starbucks walked off the cafĆ© floor today and delivered a demand letter to management calling for just treatment of all employees affected by Starbucks’ closure of stores nationwide. The surprise job action comes in the wake of the coffee giant’s announcement that it will close 600 stores, including 27 in Minnesota.
The baristas demanded an option to transfer to other stores and a fair severance package for affected workers. Starbucks reportedly plans to give workers just one month notice before laying them off with a paltry two weeks’ pay The company will insist that some baristas transfer and will revoke severance pay if transfer offers are refused.
The protesting baristas are members of the Starbucks Workers Union, which is a campaign of the Industrial Workers of the World labor union. Starbucks previously backtracked on its refusal to disclose which locations would be shuttered after the union and others condemned the company for leaving workers in a nerve-wracking limbo.
The store action makes the Mall of America location the first Starbucks in Minnesota, and the first store in the Mall of America, to have a public union presence.
Erik Forman, a barista at the store recently fired for union activity, said, “With the skyrocketing cost of living, workers have no other choice than to stand up for improvements on the job. The alternative is a continued decline into poverty and a degraded quality of life for working families. But this doesn’t have to happen. Our message is hope- even at Starbucks in the Mall of America, we can organize and fight!”
While portraying itself as a ‘socially-responsible’ employer, Starbucks pays baristas a poverty wage of $7.60/hr. In addition, all retail hourly workers at Starbucks in the United States are part-time employees with no guaranteed number of work hours per week. According to Starbucks figures released to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 40.9% of its employees (including managers) are covered by the company health care package, a lower percentage than the oft-criticized Wal-Mart, which insures 47% of its workforce.
Since the launch of the IWW campaign at Starbucks on May 17, 2004, the company has been cited multiple times for illegal union-busting by the National Labor Relations Board. The company settled two complaints against it and is awaiting a decision by a judge in New York on more than 30 additional rights’ violations. Starbucks’ large anti-union operation is operated in conjunction with the Akin Gump law firm and the Edelman public relations firm.
The IWW Starbucks Workers Union is a grassroots organization of over 200 current and former employees at the world's largest coffee chain united for secure work hours and a living wage. The union has members throughout the United States fighting for systemic change at the company and remedying individual grievances with management. The SWU has been especially active in New York City, Chicago, and Grand Rapids.
Union baristas, bussers, and shift supervisors have fought successfully toward improved scheduling and staffing levels, increased wages, and workplace safety. Workers who join the union have immediate access to co-workers and members of the community who will struggle with them for a better life on the job.
Delinquent Habits - Merry Go Round
Leftover Crack - Fuck World Trade
The anarcho-punks love em!
1 Clear Channel (Fuck Off!)
2 Life Is Pain
3 Burn Them Prisons
4 Gang Control
5 Super Tuesday
6 Via Sin DiosClick to listen to this song
7 Feed The Children (Books Of Lies)
8 One Dead Cop
9 Ya Can't Go Home
10 Rock The 40oz.
11 Soon We'll Be Dead W/ World Inferno Friendship Society
12 Gringos Son Puercos Feos
13 Operation: M.O.V.E.
Password: o
Ganked From: !!!!!
crack rock steady,
fuck world trade,
leftover crack
Extinction Of Mankind-Northern Scum
The Psycho Realm-A War Story Book 1
A chicano hip-hop concept album filled with paranoia and visions of the lumpenproletariat uprising. What's not to like? R U A Psycho?!
Ganked From: Clicky
a war story,
chicano hip-hop,
the psycho realm
This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb-Front Seat Solidarity
A band I came across in the pages of numerous punk zines, it wasn't until recently I gave them a chance, and now TBIAPB is my favorite band. Jangly, amateurish, sloppy political folk punk.
1 This Is What I Want.
2 Selma
3 Body Count
4 Trains And Cops
5 Mouseteeth
6 A Hundred Dollars
7 Depression
8 The Argument
9 Drunk Punk
10 Hot Diggety
11 Grampa
12 Board Of Tourism
13 We Shall Not Be Moved
14 Forgotten Not Gone
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Saigon – The Moral Of The Story
Release a fucking album already!!!!
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moral of the story,
new york hip-hop,
underground rap
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